September 8 – 11, 2023
Wroclaw, Poland
Highlighting women’s contribution to ministry and to the life of the church
The LWF Women’s Pre-Assembly is a unique opportunity for women from member churches and partner organizations to meet and articulate a common voice that will be taken to the Assembly. What are the struggles women face in the diverse contexts of member churches? How are women answering to call to vocation in ordained ministry? The Women’s Pre-Assembly will consider the ways in which we ensure the full and just participation of women in the life of church and society.

A delegate worships during the Women's Pre-Assembly, in Windhoek, Namibia in 2017. Photo: LWF/Brenda Platero
It will enable participants to:
- experience sisterhood and sorority, pray together and support one other
- celebrate life as One body, One Spirit, One Hope, reflecting on the Assembly theme through a feminist perspective
- build a common vision that decisively shapes the discussions and decisions of the Assembly by highlighting women’s contribution to ministry, to the life of the church and on theological reflection
- harvest experiences and celebrate the building of gender justice in church and society
- reflect on the report of the Study Process on the Experiences of Women in the Ordained Ministry
- learn from each other, in connection with the Assembly theme, about ways to respond to gender-based violence, poverty, political, religious and social polarization, and discrimination
- contribute to helping the LWF Gender Justice and Women´s Empowerment Program better address the concerns of women in participants’ contexts over the coming years
- shape the message from the Women’s Pre-Assembly to the Thirteen Assembly
The Women’s Pre-Assembly gathers the concerns and priorities collected at the Women’s Regional Pre-Assemblies. All regional Pre-Assemblies will take place in the first semester of 2023. Once these are finalized, the Women’s Pre-Assembly program will be released.
Women delegates to the Assembly, women actively involved in the Women and Gender Justice Network, Polish women designated by the local committee, visitors, ecumenical guests, and advisors to the Assembly can participate. If you would like to take part, please indicate so when registering online. Subsidized Assembly participants will have accommodation and meals covered. Visitors or individuals who are covering costs themselves should kindly contact the LWF Gender Justice and Women´s Empowerment Program.
The Women’s Pre-Assembly will be held at the House of Angels ( in Wrocław from September 7 (arrival) to 11 (departure to Kraków) 2023. The Assembly and the Women’s Pre-Assembly will be strongly influenced by the hospitality and vibrant church life of Poland.