Practical Information A wealth of advice and instruction for attendees, to ensure the Assembly is smooth-running and that attendees get the most out of their experience.
Assembly Overview of the host church, country, protocol and formalities requested of attendees, information about the visual identity of the Assembly, the way in which an Assembly is prepared, and extensive information on the pre-Assemblies
Assembly Theme The Assembly theme, One Body, One Spirit, One Hope, reminds us that in a fragmented world, we are called to unity in the one body of Christ. The theme is drawn from Ephesians 4:4 (NRSV)
Program The Assembly program comprises a rich array of events: from the opening ceremony, worship, prayers, Bible study and visits, to plenary sessions and the business of the Assembly.
Image Pre- and post- Assembly visits LWF Thirteenth Assembly Pre & Post Visits This document outlines the pre- and post-Assembly visits organized by the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland (ECACP), host of
Image A view over the city of Krakow. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert LWF Assembly Visitors program guidelines This document outlines the guidelines for the visitors program for participants attending the Assembly part or full time.
Image Arrival - departures airport terminal Travel Arrangements to LWF Assembly Krakow Poland This document details procedures and information for travel arrangements to the Assembly.
Image Visa information and documents Visa information to enter Poland for the Assembly This document provides background information on the visa (Schengen) application process to enter Poland for the Assembly to assist participants as
Image Subsidy request form cover photo Subsidy Request Form Download and complete the application form to request a subsidy as outlined by the policy on subsidizing costs of Assembly delegates.
Image View of the Krakow airport train station, servicing arriving passengers with direct connections to the Kraków main station. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert Transportation in Krakow Assembly delegates and other participants will have three options to travel throughout the Assembly.
Image Visitors program frequently asked questions (FAQ) Discover answers to frequently asked questions about the Thirteenth Assembly visitors program and who to contact if you have any further questions.
Image Arriving at Krakow airport Upon arrival at the John Paul II International Airport Krakow this will help you identify the Assembly welcome team and offer some useful tips as y
Image Welcome to Poland – An introduction to the LWF Assembly host church and country Discover the LWF Thirteenth Assembly host church and country through this booklet.