La Decimotercera Asamblea de la Federación Luterana Mundial (FLM) ha congregado a delegados de todo el mundo en Cracovia, Polonia, bajo el lema "Un cuerpo, un espíritu, una esperanza". En este contexto, dos participantes, Natan de Oliveira…
En el marco de la Asamblea de la Federación Luterana Mundial (FLM) que se celebra en Cracovia, Polonia, bajo el lema "Un cuerpo, un espíritu, una esperanza", dos participantes de América Latina y el Caribe compartieron sus impresiones...
En la reciente Asamblea de la Federación Luterana Mundial (LWF) que se celebró en Cracovia, Polonia, del 13 al 19 de septiembre de 2023, bajo el lema "Un Cuerpo, Un Espíritu, Una Esperanza", se abordó la temática de "Una Esperanza" desde diversas...
En el marco de la Decimotercera Asamblea de la Federación Mundial Luterana (LWF), que tuvo lugar en la histórica ciudad de Cracovia, Polonia, bajo el evocativo lema "Un Cuerpo, Un Espíritu, Una Esperanza", se congregaron delegados de todos los…
The message from the Pre-Assembly of Latin America and the Caribbean and North America stressed the role of churches working for justice and peace, and for responding to injustices. It highlighted the importance of theological formation and…
Participants of the Pre-Assembly of the Americas gained insights into the work of the LWF member church and country program in Colombia. This included a panel on the country’s peace process, field visits to diaconal projects, and a presentation…
How does the Assembly theme “One Body, One Spirit, One Hope” unfold in the Latin America and Caribbean and North American regions? How does it promote unity in the communion of churches? Participants at the Pre-Assembly in Colombia deliberated on…
The Pre-Assembly of the Americas, the Latin America and the Caribbean and the North America regions, is taking place in Bogotá, Colombia, this week. Women and youth from the two regions have met prior to the pre-assembly the reflect jointly on…
Economic justice, gender equality and the legacy of antisemitism are some of the shared concerns which Nordic churches will be bringing to the LWF’s Thirteenth Assembly in Krakow in September