The LWF Assembly choir lifts up the spirit of the journeys in the main auditorium of the ICE Congress Centre in Kraków, Poland. The choir and the musicians are a global composition from all continents, all regions and many languages.
Young leaders share their gifts with the global communion through participation in the LWF Assembly Stewards program. Throughout the Assembly, stewards are engaged in many different aspects of the meeting.
Ecumenical leaders meet together in Krakow, as Lutherans and Catholics present a joint statement looking forward to the 500th anniversary of the Augsburg Confession which sought “to maintain the unity of the church.”
Since their first meeting, Assembly stewards have reached important milestones. Savanna Sullivan, LWF Program Executive for Youth, talks about thematic roles and sharing their gifts.
The Asia Pre-Assembly message expresses grave concern about religious freedom and emphasizes the commitment of Asia member churches to peace and diakonia.
The General Secretary of the Council of Churches in Malaysia spoke to the delegates of the Asia Pre-Assembly, explaining the current situation of the Christian minority in the country and how it strives to give credible witness in the public…
Being church and living in diverse contexts across the region, LWF’s member churches in Asia are gathering for their Pre-Assembly to shape their contribution to the Thirteenth Assembly.
Embodying unity is vital in a world that wants to tear us apart and keep us separated, says Rev. Danielle Dokman as she looks forward to preaching at the opening worship service in Krakow in September.
LWF invites media to report from the Thirteenth LWF Assembly in Krakow, Poland. Accreditation is now open, the deadline for journalists who wish to attend in-person is June 10.